
Mac Installation

To install Jan desktop on Mac, follow the steps below:


Before installing Jan, ensure :

  • Mac with an Apple Silicon Processor.
  • Mac with an Intel Processor.

Users may experience slow performance with Jan on Macs that have Intel processors.

  • Homebrew and its dependencies are installed for installing Jan with the Homebrew package.
  • Your macOS Ventura or higher.

Stable Releases

To download stable releases:

  1. Go to Jan (opens in a new tab).
  2. Click the Download tab.

Mac Installation

  1. Under the MacOS section, select the download file based on your MacOS specification.

Mac Installation

The download should be available as a .dmg.

Nightly Releases

We provide the Nightly Release so that you can test new features and see what might be coming in a future stable release. Please be aware that there might be bugs!

You can download it from Jan's Discord (opens in a new tab) in the #nightly-builds (opens in a new tab) channel.

Install with Homebrew

Install Jan with the following Homebrew command:

brew install --cask jan


Homebrew package installation is currently limited to Apple Silicon Macs, with upcoming support for Windows and Linux.

Enable GPU

Once Jan is installed and you have a GPU, you can configure your GPU to accelerate the model's performance. To enable the use of your GPU in the Jan app, follow the steps below:

This feature is not supported on Mac Intel.

  1. Open Jan application.
  2. Go to Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Accelerator -> Enable and choose the GPU you want.
  3. A success notification saying Successfully turned on GPU acceleration will appear when GPU acceleration is activated.

Enable GPU