Jan Data Folder

Jan Data Folder

Jan stores your data locally in your own filesystem in a universal file format (JSON). We build for privacy by default and do not collect or sell your data.

This guide helps you understand where and how this data is stored. We'll also show you how to delete or move the data folder location.

Folder Structure

Jan app data folder should have the following folder structure:

Jan is stored in the root ~/jan by default.


jan/ (The Root Directory)

This is the primary directory where all files related to Jan are stored. It typically resides in the user's home directory.


Stores configuration files for various AI assistants. Each assistant within this directory can have different settings.

  • Default Assistant: Located in /assistants/jan/, it includes an assistant.json configuring the default settings and capabilities. The default sample of assistan.json is as follows:

"avatar": "",
"id": "jan",
"object": "assistant",
"created_at": 1715132389207,
"name": "Jan",
"description": "A default assistant that can use all downloaded models",
"model": "*",
"instructions": ""

Each parameter in the file is defined as follows:

avatarPath to the assistant's avatar image, allowing visual customization.
idUnique identifier for the assistant.
objectIndicates that this is an assistant configuration.
created_atTimestamp of creation, in milliseconds since the epoch.
nameThe assistant's name.
descriptionDescribes the assistant’s capabilities and intended role.
modelDefines accessible models, with "*" representing access to all models.
instructionsSpecifies queries and commands to tailor Jan's responses for improved interaction effectiveness.
  • Custom Assistant Example: The /assistants/shakespeare/ shows a custom setup, also with its own assistant.json.


Extensions enhance Jan's functionality by adding new capabilities or integrating external services.

  • Extension Configuration: The extensions.json in the /extensions/ directory provides settings for all installed extensions.
  • Specific Extensions: Subdirectories like /@janhq/extension_A/ contain package.json files that import necessary modules for each extension.


Logs from the application are stored here. This is useful for troubleshooting and monitoring the application's behavior over time. The file /logs/app.txt captures general application activity.


Stores the AI models that the assistants use to process requests and generate responses.

  • Model Configurations: Each model directory, such as /models/modelA/, contains a model.json with settings specific to that model.


General settings for the application are stored here, separate from individual assistant or engine configurations.

  • General Settings: The settings.json in the /settings/ directory holds application-wide settings.
  • Extension-specific Settings: Additional settings for extensions are stored in respective subdirectories under /settings/@janhq/.


Threads history is kept in this directory. Each session or thread is stored in a way that makes it easy to review past interactions. Each thread is stored in its subdirectory, such as /threads/jan_unixstamp/, with files like messages.jsonl and thread.json detailing the thread settings.

Open the Data Folder

To open the Jan data folder, follow the steps in the Settings guide.

Delete Jan Data Folder

If you have uninstalled the Jan app, you may also want to delete the Jan data folder. You can automatically remove this folder during uninstallation by selecting OK when prompted.

Delete Data Folder

If you missed this step and need to delete the folder manually, please follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the root data folder in your Users directory.
  2. Locate the Jan data folder.
  3. Delete the folder manually.