Managing Models


This guide provides comprehensive instructions on adding, customizing, and deleting models within the Jan platform.

Add Models

There are various ways to add models to Jan.

Currently, Jan natively supports the following model formats:

  • GGUF (through a llama.cpp engine)
  • TensorRT (through a TRT-LLM engine)

Download from Jan Hub

Jan Hub provides three convenient methods to access machine learning models. Here’s a clear step-by-step guide for each method:

1. Download from the Recommended List

The Recommended List is a great starting point if you're looking for popular and pre-configured models that work well and quickly on most computers.

  1. Open the Jan app and navigate to the Hub.

Jan Hub

  1. Select models, clicking the v dropdown for more information.

Models with the Recommended label will likely run faster on your computer.

  1. Click Download to download the model.

Download Model

2. Download with HuggingFace Model's ID or URL

If you need a specific model from Hugging Face (opens in a new tab), Jan Hub lets you download it directly using the model’s ID or URL.


Only GGUF models are supported for this feature.

  1. Go to the Hugging Face (opens in a new tab).
  2. Select the model you want to use.
  3. Copy the Model's ID or URL, for example: MaziyarPanahi/Mixtral-8x22B-Instruct-v0.1-GGUF or
  4. Return to the Jan app and click on the Hub tab.

Jan Hub

  1. Paste the URL or the model ID you have copied into the search bar.

Search Bar

  1. The app will show all available versions of the model.
  2. Click Download to download the model.

Download Model

3. Download with Deep Link

You can also use Jan's deep link feature to download a specific model from Hugging Face (opens in a new tab). The deep link format is: jan://models/huggingface/<model's ID>.


The deep link feature cannot be used for models that require:

  • API Token.
  • Acceptance of usage agreement.

You will need to download such models manually.

  1. Go to the Hugging Face (opens in a new tab).
  2. Select the model you want to use.
  3. Copy the Model's ID or URL, for example: TheBloke/Magicoder-S-DS-6.7B-GGUF.
  4. Enter the deep link URL with your chosen model's ID in your browser. For example: jan://models/huggingface/TheBloke/Magicoder-S-DS-6.7B-GGUF

Paste the URL

  1. A prompt will appear, click Open to open the Jan app.

Click Open

  1. The app will show all available versions of the model.
  2. Click Download to download the model.

Download Model

Import or Symlink Local Models

You can also point to existing model binary files on your local filesystem. This is the easiest and most space-efficient way if you have already used other local AI applications.

  1. Navigate to the Settings

Jan Hub

  1. Click on My Models at the top.

Import Model

  1. Click the Import Model button on the top-right of your screen.
  2. Click the upload icon button.

Download Icon

  1. Import using .GGUF file or a folder.

Import Model

  1. Select the model or the folder containing multiple models.

Add a Model Manually

You can also add a specific model that is not available within the Hub section by following the steps below:

  1. Open the Jan app.
  2. Click the gear icon (⚙️) on the bottom left of your screen.


  1. Under the Settings screen, click Advanced Settings.


  1. Open the Jan Data folder.

Jan Data Folder

  1. Head to the ~/jan/data/models/.
  2. Make a new model folder and put a file named model.json in it.
  3. Insert the following model.json default code:

"id": "<unique_identifier_of_the_model>",
"object": "<type_of_object, e.g., model, tool>",
"name": "<name_of_the_model>",
"version": "<version_number>",
"description": "<brief_description_of_the_model>",
"format": "<format_of_the_model_api_or_other>",
"settings": "<additional_settings_as_needed>",
"parameters": {
"max_tokens": "<maximum_number_of_tokens_the_model_can_generate>",
"temperature": "<temperature_setting_for_randomness_in_generation>"
"metadata": {
"author": "<name_of_the_creator_or_organization>",
"tags": ["<list_of_relevant_tags_describing_the_model>"]
"engine": "<engine_or_platform_the_model_runs_on>",
"source": "<url_or_source_of_the_model_information>"

There are two important fields in model.json that you need to set:


This is the field where you can set your engine configurations.


parameters are the adjustable settings that affect how your model operates or processes the data. The fields in parameters are typically general and can be the same across models. Here is an example of model parameters:

"temperature": 0.7,
"top_p": 0.95,
"stream": true,
"max_tokens": 4096,
"frequency_penalty": 0,
"presence_penalty": 0

To see the complete list of a model's parameters, please see Model Parameters.

Delete Models

To delete a model:

  1. Go to Settings.


  1. Go to My Models.

My Models

  1. Select the three dots next and select Delete model.

Delete Model