Installing an Extension

Installing an Extension

Jan automatically installs 11 default extensions when you set up the application. You can also add a custom third-party extension at your own risk.

Here are the steps to install a custom extension:

Jan only accepts the .tgz file format for installing a custom extension.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Extensions.
  2. Click Select under Manual Installation.
  3. Select a .tgz extension file.
  4. Restart the Jan application.
  5. Then, the ~/jan/extensions/extensions.json file will be updated automatically.

Install Extension

Disable an Extension

To disable the extension, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Settings > Advanced Settings.
  2. On the Jan Data Folder click the folder icon (📂) to access the data folder.
  3. Navigate to the ~/jan/extensions folder.
  4. Open the extensions.json and change the _active value of the TensorRT-LLM to false
  5. Restart the app to see that the TensorRT-LLM settings page has been removed.

Disable Extension

Uninstall an Extension

To uninstall the extension, follow the steps below:

  1. Quit the app.
  2. Navigate to the Settings > Advanced Settings.
  3. On the Jan Data Folder click the folder icon (📂) to access the data folder.
  4. Navigate to the ~/jan/extensions/@janhq folder.
  5. Delete the tensorrt-llm-extension folder.
  6. Reopen the app.

Delete Extension