
Linux Installation

To install Jan desktop on Linux, follow the steps below:


Ensure that your system meets the following requirements:

To enable GPU support, you will need:

  • NVIDIA GPU with CUDA Toolkit 11.7 or higher.
  • NVIDIA driver 470.63.01 or higher.

Stable Releases

To download stable releases:

  1. Go to Jan (opens in a new tab).
  2. Click the Download tab.

Linux Installation

  1. Under the Linux section, click the preferred file you want to download.

Linux Installation

Install Command

You can also install Jan using the following command:

# Install Jan using dpkg
sudo dpkg -i jan-linux-amd64-{version}.deb

The download should be available as a .AppImage file or a .deb file.

Nightly Releases

We provide the Nightly Release so that you can test new features and see what might be coming in a future stable release. Please be aware that there might be bugs!

You can download it from Jan's Discord (opens in a new tab) in the #nightly-builds (opens in a new tab) channel.


If stuck in a broken build, go to the Broken Build section.

Enable GPU

Once Jan is installed and you have a GPU, you can configure your GPU to accelerate the model's performance. To enable the use of your GPU in the Jan app, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Jan application.
  2. Go to Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Accelerator -> Enable and choose the GPU you want.
  3. A success notification saying Successfully turned on GPU acceleration will appear when GPU acceleration is activated.

Enable GPU